Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Keith Horowitz, DTM

After 3.5 years in Toastmaster, I have achieved the highest level education award today: DTM, Distinguished Toastmaster.

Not the fastest time to DTM, but pretty fast. Some of it was luck. Some of it was great support. A lot of work. However, it is hard to call it work: it was amazing, exciting time. I learned more and did more than I could have imagined. I also learned that I have to be wary of my own limits.

In spite of achieving my DTM, my journey in Toastmasters is hardly over. I will continue, grow and share. I did most of the work in the last 18 months. In fact, I had even done some extra work on additional repeat awards. I had done more than a DTM or work in the last little over 12 months.

Thank you to everyone who has supported me and accompanied me and continues on with me on this exciting journey!

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