Monday, March 17, 2014

Additonal Competent Communicator

Have you completed your first CC?

Do you find opportunities to speak for Toastmasters that do not always match an Advanced Manual project?

Perhaps you find yourself as the backup speaker, needing to do a pocket speech.
Perhaps you decided to do an extra CC this year to help your club with its' distinguished goals, even though it may slow down your next Advanced Communicator award just a little.
Perhaps your find yourself in district leadership, and it makes sense to be working on multiple levels at the same time.

I found myself with all of the above in the last [Toastmasters] year.

However, does it seem crazy to have to get a whole other book to complete subsequent CC awards? Toastmasters must think so too! They have a hidden Gem out in their shop. It is called:
Competent Communicator Evaluator Guides #228

This mini-manual has just the evaluation pages from the CC manual. No cover. No objectives, so you still need your prior manual along. But it is only $1.50 as compared to $8.00 (or $7.00 in multi-packs).
For those who thought they could get by with copying the manual evaluation pages (a copyright violation, and cheating Toastmasters International), this gives you exactly what you needed to continue to work on and reinforce your basic skills while helping your home club, in a more efficient package!

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